M88 Mansion sponsored La Liga Ambassadors Nacho Monreal and Luis Garcia in The Legends Asian Tour 2023

M88 Mansion proudly sponsored La Liga Ambassadors Nacho Monreal and Luis Garcia in The Legends Asian Tour 2023. Centered around the theme “For the Love of Football,” this week-long tour aimed to bring the excitement of European football closer to passionate fans across Asia.


The tour spanned vibrant cities such as Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, and Manila, offering football enthusiasts a unique and immersive experience.

M88 Mansion x La Liga The Legend Tour Asia - Meet and Greet in BKK
M88 Mansion x La Liga The Legend Tour Asia – Meet and Greet in BKK

Nacho and Luis, former La Liga superstars, explored the most active Southeast Asian cities, embracing the local cultures and savoring specialties from Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, and Manila.

M88 Mansion x La Liga The Asian Tour - Nacho Monreal posed with a fan girl
M88 Mansion x La Liga The Asian Tour – Nacho Monreal posed with a fan girl

“We tried every kind of food possible in Thai, and we loved it.” Nacho, the left-foot defender, said in an interview with M88 Mansion,

“We would definitely return; this is the part we love being La Liga Ambassador.” European winner Luis Garcia added.

La Liga Asian Tour MNL-min
La Liga Asian Tour MNL

One of the tour’s highlights was a friendly match in Thailand. Nacho and Luis faced off against famous TikTokers and YouTubers, showcasing their skills and engaging with local influencers. The excitement escalated with a highly competitive clash against Philippines football players at Sparta, a 7-a-side indoor football field in Manila.

Nacho and Luis took on different teams and showed their classes in M88 Mansion-sponsored jerseys, leading and competing against Philippines legends like Stephan Schröck, among numerous pro players from different nationalities at Sparta.

La Liga Asian Tour MNL
La Liga Asian Tour MNL

Beyond the matches, the Ambassadors took time to answer fans’ questions and participate in interviews with M88 Mansion representatives, further deepening the connection between football stars and their admirers. The event concluded with a warm and delicious night out in Makati, creating lasting memories for all involved.

The Legends Asian Tour 2023 marks the fourth year of M88 Mansion’s ongoing partnership with La Liga, emphasizing the global appeal of football. The initiative underlines the sport’s ability to unite diverse backgrounds through a series of friendly matches, interactive sessions, and cultural exchanges across various cities. As football continues to serve as a powerful force for unity, M88 Mansion remains committed to celebrating its impact on a global scale.

Author Details

TOM is a dedicated soccer writer whose words come alive on the page, mirroring the electric energy of the pitch. With a keen eye for detail and an unbridled love for the sport